Website Disclaimers

Website Content

The entire contents on ("Website") are based upon the opinions of Vida Shahriar Bahrami ("Vida").

The information on the Website is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any diseases.

Always consult with your primary care medical Doctor or other licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications, or medical advice before changing your health care regimen including but not limited to your diet, exercise, sleep, supplements, and other health-related actions.

Intent of Website Content

The intention of the Website content is solely for educational, supportive, and empowerment purposes. The information provided on this Website is intended for general informational purposes and should not be construed as a substitute for medical advice or treatment.

Any reliance and use of information provided on this Website is strictly and solely at your own risk.

Nutritionist-Client Relationship

Vida is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.), but the information provided on this Website does not create a nutritionist-client relationship.

A contract provided to you by Vida outside of this Website must be read in its entirety and voluntarily signed by both you and Vida for a nutritionist-client relationship to be established.

The Simply Vida Program ("Program")

The Program and the personalized nutritional consultation sessions ("Consultations") are not meant to replace the care or advice of a licensed medical Doctor. Please do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your healthcare professional, including but not limited to your medical Doctor because of something you may have read or implemented on this Website, the Program, and/or Consultations, etc.

Please consult with your primary care medical Doctor or licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding your condition, the Program, the Consultations, including but not limited to foods, supplements, recommendations, use of natural products, etc offered on this Website and in the Program and Consultations.

It is critical that you do not reduce, change, or discontinue any medication or treatment without consulting your medical Doctor first.


The content of this Website is subject to change without notice. Vida and Simply Vida Inc. makes no guarantees to the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided on this Website.

Vida and Simply Vida Inc. does not warrant or guarantee that the Website, the Program, and/or Consultations are free of viruses and/or other harmful components.


By using this Website, you agree to indemnify and hold Vida and Simply Vida Inc. harmless from any and all claims, damages, expenses, negligence, tort, liabilities, and other aspects that are in reasonable connection to the use of information provided on this Website, the Program, Consultations, and/or contracts related to nutritional and lifestyle services provided by Vida.

Meal Plans, Recipes, and Supplements

For all meal plans, recipes, dietary recommendations, supplements, and other related information provided on this Website, in the Program, in Consultations by Vida, please check the ingredients carefully for any food allergens, food sensitivities, and/or intolerances that you might have.

Please ensure to contact your primary medical Doctor or licensed healthcare provider before consuming any foods and supplements recommended by Vida and any other health-related recommendations for the purposes of improving your general well-being. Please consult with your primary medical Doctor for any interactions, side effects, allergies, or concerns with respect to the recommended foods and supplements.

Vida and Simply Vida Inc. will not be held accountable, responsible, liable for any loss, damage, health consequence resulting from you consuming any of the foods and/or supplements that have been recommended by Vida.


You may not assign, sub-license, or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations for the above-mentioned disclaimers.